
  • Leap Day, 2024

    I got an Elegoo Neptune 4 Pro for Christmas. I have a lot or project ideas, and thought it would be a good idea to document them as I go. So far, I have made:

  • International Podcast Day, 2021

    Apparently September 30 is International Podcast Day? What a great prompt for writing today.

  • Jekyll Local

    Today’s goal, get Jekyll working locally on my M1 Mac. To make this extra interesting, I am going to restrict myslef to Ruby 2.7 because, as of this writing that’s what Lambda supports.

  • Shortcuts and Roadblocks

    One thing I want to do with the workflow on this blog is the ability to upload posts and images to the Inbound Bucket from an iPad or iPhone. I poked around the App Stoe for S3 clients, but nothing jumped out. So, I thought I’d try to make my own with Shortcuts!

  • Making it with CodeStar — Or Not

    I have a pretty simple idea for how I want this website to work, in short:

    1. Upload posts and images to an Inbound S3 bucket.
    2. This kicks off Jekyll, running in Lambda, which writes out the website to an Outbound bucket.
    3. Front the Outbound Bucket with CloudFront.
  • Using Overcast

    My podcatcher of choice has been Overcast, a simple, iOS-only app. I have tried Apple’s Podcast app a few times, but it just doesn’t work for me.

  • Something to Say

    Blogging. How … quaint? For a while now I have been wanting to share some thoughts and ideas, and I think a blog fits me best. Here’s a summary of how I got here, again.

  • Friday

    Vacation starts … now! Well, nearly so. I’ve turned off all the work-related apps on my phone and powered down the laptop. Tomorrow will be chores and packing the van. Sunday, we’ll make the five-hour drive for a week at the beach. We normally vacation in early July, but that’s not the dice we rolled this year. It’s been a hectic year and summer for us all, so we’re looking forward to a week of fewer commitments.

  • X-Wing Second Edition -43

    Here we are, 43ish days from the release of X-Wing Second Edition. Excited doesn’t begin to describe what’s going on in my head. My son and I have been playing X-Wing for about 18 months now at Huzzah Hobbies. Even though we routinely lose, we do have a lot of fun along the way. My son has a lot of fun building lists, and we both have fun playing games at the store and at home.

  • Hello, iPad


  • Battle Report 2017-01-18

    Last night, took a new squad down to Huzzah for the monthly tournament:

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